A Note from the Editors: Issue 34

Cornflower blind
How do we care for the dead? How much can they see? A hypnotic poem by Samantha Smith

Portraits of Care
Seven artists from different disciplines dance across various parts of the world in this collaborative video by Bhargavi Gopalan, Sumedha Bhattacharyya, and their co-creators

Documenting the labor and love of a stay-at-home-mother, Damaris Swass’s photos peer into queer, radical motherhood and claim their own agency

لعنة الطفولة
تتحدث قصة عائشة عن طفولتها في وسط حياة لم ترها معنى الرعاية

"Best Friends"
How do we represent care when it doesn’t fit into the bounds of a conventional relationship? Discover the intimacy of undefinable care through this photo series by Nina Parker

الشُّهُبُ المَنْسِّيَةْ
“من أنا؟ من خلال كلماتها، تأخذنا نعيمة في رحلة تستكشف فيها معنى "أنا

Incident on the Bridge
A newly-minted therapist walks onto a bridge and waits for someone to care for in this short story by Sonny Arifien

رستم وسهراب / Rustam and Sehrab
في سلسلة لوحات تبرز سيما آل عبد الحي عناصر الفن الفارسي التقليدي حيث تسرد الفنانة قصص الفردوسي من كتابه الشاهنامة بصيغة مرئية. تجمع في لوحاتها بين اللغتين المرئية والمقروءة وبين موضوعات طرحها الفردوسي في قصصه وبين ملاحظاتها الشخصية عن المجتمع و العادات و التقاليد

Discover Danshan Menswear’s Autumn/Winter 2020 collection. Shot using the artist’s family as models, the series doubles as a family portrait

The Last Summer
Glimpse into joyful summer days and a fading childhood through Maddie Wilkins’s nostalgic photo series

Documenting Sanctuary #1
Time slows down in a garden in Sharjah where plants, cats, and childhood games provide the care of a sanctuary. A poem by Nada Al Mosa

The Mask Project
In Fez, Morocco, an artist walks through the medina wearing a copper mask. Madiha Sebbani’s Mask Project questions whether caring for the body requires a sacrifice of the mind

ما معنى الذاكرة؟ لماذا نتذكر؟ تصور سيندي فوضى الذاكرة من خلال عملها الفني الرقمي

Two Poems
Burst open a blister and peer into a child’s mind in these two spirited poems by Amal Al Shamsi

My souls, أرواحي
لدى الجميع أفكارعن من نكون. تصور ميثاء أفكار الآخرين عنها بفن مبسط

A Homecoming
In this short story by Cassandra Mitchell, a girl stands on her balcony alone with her thoughts. The city of Abu Dhabi reads her mind and asks, “Who cares that you’re happy?”

دخيلك يا عدرا
This black-and-white photo series visits the home of Tony, a solitary 70-year-old accountant. Jude Chehab documents the rebuilding of Tony’s house, physically and emotionally, in the wake of the recent Beirut explosion

Sentimental City: Caring for Mina Zayed
In a city designed to be unsentimental, Vamika Sinha reflects on the need to care for community space and history in the wake of announcements to redevelop Abu Dhabi's Mina Zayed – an essay incorporating text and photographs by herself and Myriam Louise Taleb

Two Poems
How does God care for us? These two poems by Khalisa Rae come close to the edge of death but find themselves still breathing