Become a Patron.

Postscript has always been free and accessible to anyone with an internet connection because we believe art should be available to all—regardless of wealth, locality, or status. At the same time, this freedom should never come at the cost of the “starving artist.” 

Our writers, artists, editors, and creatives deserve to be paid, and they need your support to continue producing work.

Historically, we would look for wealthy families to be our patrons. They would make us paint their husbands, their wives, their mistresses, and their pets. In return, we would receive flowy gowns and frilly collars and live off wine and vibes.

But nowadays, we can rely on Patreon!

What $5 (AED18) per month could get you:

  • a Starbucks coffee;

  • 2 chicken shawarmas/chips Oman sandwiches; or

  • an Abood smoothie

What it could also get you:

  • access to a collaborative community of artists

  • exclusive events involving notable artists

  • a free quarterly digital zine with your own work, published!

  • digital hugs

  • no paintings of mistresses, unfortunately

Join us as Postscript grows and pays the people who deserve to be paid. Gain access to even more content. Become a patron.
