"Best Friends"


Pictured are Georgina and Kristal. At first glance, it is unclear whether they are a couple, but in reality, this photo depicts an illustration of two friends. Their extreme physical closeness and intimacy exhibits the love between them. Their bond is palpable and oozes affection and devotion. Together, they represent the way queer friends can care for one another in private and without scrutiny. Georgina and Kristal have unconventional boundaries and allow themselves to express affection without being romantically involved. These photos showcase how they emotionally support one another and provide physical comfort in a way that is not always represented.


Nina Parker is an artist based in Oakland, California. She is obsessed with figuring out why people have certain habits or treat others in various ways. Parker uses film photography to document people and their actions, from eating and taking care pets to just surviving in the world. Most of the photographs Parker takes are either portraits or photographs that involve people, for there is much to uncover and analyze about who we are and why we act. Parker’s art is intimate, intense, and feminine. Parker believes every moment of life is significant and worthy of documentation.


لعنة الطفولة


الشُّهُبُ المَنْسِّيَةْ