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Artist Spotlight




B-roll is our column devoted to all things cinema and film analysis. We’re looking for creative, nuanced, and critical takes on both old and new cinema from all over the world in any language. Read more



The haiku column presents sequences of big thoughts in tiny boxes. Writing in the forms of haiku and senryu, columnist Louise Gerodias distills a variety of musings into images that reverberate. Read more


invisible cities

Inspired by Italo Calvino and the global nature of our magazine, this column is an attempt at capturing real and imagined cities and all their complexities, beauties, and daily tragedies. Read about a refugee slum in Paris, a tourist’s experience in Vatican City, boys in the suburban “cities” of Ontario, Florence’s cobblestones, and so much more. Read more

style odyssey

style odyssey

This column examines fashion as an art, concept, and industry—both creatively and critically. We publish a range of topics, from the complex issue of cultural appropriation to clothing as a political tool. Read more


milk & vodka

We need poetry that is complex, biting, and ugly. Our milk & vodka column is a space for poems that are deeply critical and difficult to swallow. Read more

pink noise

pink noise

Pink noise is all about the bops – from feminist analyses of Ariana Grande, to track premieres, experimental soundscapes, and cool takes on the social value of hip-hop. Explore songs, criticisms, reviews and playlists on how music and sound function in our world. Read more