Ladies in Waiting
A short story by Kayla Koontz takes place in a vague, fantastical nowhere island, offering a gendered, implicit critique of the futility of imperialist conquest

Accent Politics
In this personal essay, Zambian-born Mbiko Mayaka explores her relationship to language, touching on code switching and the manifestation of social hierarchy and inequalities on the tongue
David Straange pulls apart the colors, lines, and paradigms of typical sports logo branding, turning them into works of abstract art

Red is the Blood of the People
This play was written and performed for Abu Dhabi's Short and Sweet festival, and won four awards including "Best Overall" and "People's Choice".

“you peel shrimps carefully / as if they will tell you the secrets to being pinoy” – in this rich, imagistic poem, Jamie Uy traces her Filipino culture and history through childhood tastes and foods.

“this poem began in the belly of a fish in the south china sea” – Jamie Uy traces her roots and histories in this tumbling prose poem.

Lady Tattooer
Tzy Jiun Tan writes about female agency over the body from a tattoo parlor.

My name, ምዕራፍ
Mhraf Worku's poem weaves Amharic and English in a personal reflection of self, cultural and national identity.

study abroad
When the privileges of studying abroad lead to reflections on the history of colonialism, imperialism, and globalization. New in milk & vodka.

Free Market
Zoe Patterson's new poem is an abrasive take on capitalism and the American dream.

Rendang Outrage, or Why I Write Poetry
If you haven’t already heard about what happened, look up the words “Masterchef UK”, “Rendang”, and “Zaleha” on Youtube. In her fierce new essay, Tzy Jiun Tan discusses otherness, racism, and the failure of postcolonial theory in the face of real life situations.

Only in Poetry, I have power
A middle finger to white guilt. New in milk & vodka.

How do you say chopsticks in French? Poetry from Paris’ Chinatown by Tzy Jiun Tan