
In this series, the artist addresses cultural injustice, social complexities, and self-disappearance. By creating characters who confront states of ongoing trauma in the world today, this series dwells on the distinction among borders, maps, and identities. Entrenched in darkness—the absence of light and the shadow of black gold—the series’ characters refuse to stop witnessing, their eyes becoming symbols of resistance.

Unravel Series
Analog collage

Maria Kassab’s works are inspired by the political climate of Lebanon. Her layered aesthetic reconciles her personal history with the Western attitudes she has encountered during her time abroad. She constructs a contemporaneous identity affected by the illogical and the surreal, offering a new vision of a more malleable humanity via social icons and imagery. Her manipulated images create a visual language that deconstructs and decontextualises reality as a form of resistance to the current political and cultural world. Kassab currently lives and works in Berlin.


of luck


Do You See Me?: Writing a World Without Cages