Mr. Morale and the Big Steppers, Black Fathers, and White Women
EIC Zoe Patterson weaves together an analysis of Kendrick Lamar's new album with grief over her relationship with an absent parent
Turkish artist Emel Karakozak explores the fictions of human bodies in flux through this haunting series of images, somewhere between lonely and free.
Californian Encounter
The author encounters a curious man at Union Station. New in fiction
The 126-Year-Old White Gaze of Vogue
Why does it matter so much to have a black photographer shooting the cover of Vogue? Tyler Mitchell is the first in the magazine’s long history.
On Interracial Relationships, The Sunken Place and Middle-Class Whiteness
“I started noticing all the times when my Dad and siblings were the only people of colour in a social group.” — Zoe Jane Patterson weaves personal experience with an analysis of Jordan Peele’s film Get Out to talk about race.
White Girl
New in milk & vodka — reclaiming what it means to exist as and be called a “white girl.”