Melon Cola
A poem bursting with surreal images of dolphins, swimming pools, and children “braiding each other’s eyelashes”

I no longer knew Xinyu, and her red boots
Two girls are born in a Chinese village. New in poetry, by Ruobing Sabrina Zhao.

Dear Rihanna
What does it mean to be a “good girl”? Zoe Jane Patterson explores how Rihanna reshaped her model of femininity in this new poem.

Q Train
A traveler’s poem, set in New York City.

Manifesto for the Satellite Kids 2
A dreamy new poem for the modern age.

A Newspaper Adaptation
New in poetry, by Arthur De Oliveira.

I am unfortunately sentimental
"How can you be such a slut for accommodation?" asks Anita Shishani in a new poem on home and belonging.

The Pond
New in fiction, by Zoe Jane Patterson.

Cité Universitaire
A subtle poem couched in natural metaphors, on the fragility of romantic connection.

grow up
A rhythmic bildungsroman – Vamika Sinha encapsulates the thrills and aches of young adulthood in this new poem.

Get off my lawn
Tzy Jiun Tan attacks millennial culture, toxic positiviity and capitalist fantasy in this darkly humorous poem.

skinny jeans
baby grew up in freshman / homeroom / when the two white boys / from behind / called her curry-muncher...

Zoe Jane Patterson’s new poem takes a shivering look back at childhood.