A Newspaper Adaptation



A small flame never grew out of its
own stereotypical belief in youth

deep inside the Heart of X–even as the
years went on. His heart has been running

on C2H6O, which floated along
the slumbering city of somewhere,

close to hills where they grow coffee. Poor
little Y, and his Mother Z, had seen everything,

as the growing guava trees had seen in the
backyard which was half desert–half weeds.

Poor X, he thought he was still
in college. Y and Z made an

effort, like Disney did, to forget: Brother Bear.
But Y and Z felt like they were in between,

Eeyore and his tail, so they set out to find the tail.
Off on their journey, X was left alone, and

stumbled his way into a square packed
with swine. Mud like broken glass–

his eyes opened and found it–his tail. And
with super glue that lasts a lifetime, he put it back.



Artwork by Franz Von Defregger "The Fairy Tale Counter Painting"


No Time For Talking


A Documentary Poem: Stand Up Comedy is Not Funny.