

A dying tree will send out defense signals to its nearby seedlings to give advice on survival. When a tree is wanting of carbon, a nearby tree will share what it has. A tree can even recognize its own kin and be a little more generous in its giving. Sometimes, a tree can also die of heartbreak when its best friend dies. Because no tree is an island. Because living should never be lonely.

Imagine, underneath our feet, millions of arms holding onto one another. Imagine, our branches stretching towards the sky in a giant yawn, like parachutes, as they descend like dandelion seeds, and we have yet to know. Imagine, an aftermath of cut torsos and charred gums. Imagine, my love, blindly looking for your annihilated hands. Because we cannot run. We have roots.

Artwork by Michael Wolf "Architecture of Density #39" 2005.


“Aftermath” & Others, a Collage Series


“Monster in My Bed” & Others