“Aftermath” & Others, a Collage Series

Apu is a 37-year-old queer/non-binary organic gardener & farmer and collage DIY artist workin' and livin' on an organic seed breeding farm near Bremen/northern Germany. She's creatin' collage artwork for more than 18 years now (doin' a lot of co-ops with zines, bands, solidarity projects, collectives...) and is part of a small DIY art collective named Theo Collective

"These three collages are a kind of series dealing with the question: how to get along with a upcomin' apocalypse, in any kind of form?"


Time is Running Up

"Let's cultivate a creative and vibrant culture of resistance, don't let the system or a certain threat get you down. Show love, creativity and passion to resist!"



"What if we have to leave our place? Do we leave loved ones behind? Where will we live from now on? How will it change and affect our lives? These are very urging and relevant questions all over this world with reference to ongoing wars, climate change etc."



"In the ruins of catastrophes in different forms, how is life moving on? What is the part of the younger generations? Those who grow up in apocalyptic surroundings? Do they have the courage, passion and creativity to rise like a phoenix from the ashes?"


Poems For the End of the World

