An Obituary That Should Be Written Sooner Rather Than Later to Megaman by edwrdsaeed

The boy disagreed, but a few years later, I unlocked Luigi in Super Smash Brothers Melee.[2] When I owned the game.

I now own Super Smash Brother Ultimate,
Three games later, all with Luigi, and ignoring the Two games in the middle, because
They do not have my mind on a hook
streaming my brain back to combos,
Even to Luigi whom I don’t play.
Broken into the stick that now
Breaks my combo. Everything
Seems to be broken, especially
Combos by edwrdsaeed,
Because if movement is not
Accurate on screen then,
It is non existent, as should
Be Megaman by edwrdsaeed.
Megaman by edwrdsaeed needs to retire.[3]

[1] I encountered this game in a transition of life, that has not left me. I have left myself transitioning into the non-transition of this game has not left me. The room was small, and my knowledge was that I can’t speak english, but I can at least press a few buttons and communicate.

[2] I was told the gamecube was old when I opened my present Christmas eve. I was also told many things, but I don’t remember many things. I do, however, remember much of the conversation I had with a fellow gamer in a different language that sounded like Portuguese. It wasn’t Portuguese. The reality in retrospect was a one kid screaming a heavily accented, “Luigi,” and maybe another kid in english being, “no.” But, what is no, when I don’t, know what no is in English.

[3] If a poem could be a sentence it should be the death of Megaman by edwardsaeed. There is no sentence there, just like there is no way to make Megaman by edwrdsaeed remain unalive. I think the nervous system of its players would benefit.

Artwork by Alex Oswith


Living Between the Haram and A’ayb: Women in Gulf Societies


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