
Ng_Rosalyn_Foam _38x53cmcopy.jpg

My works translate nascent emotions into expressions. While I am involved in this active  process, my purpose fundamentally lies in inspiring viewers to capture the multidimensional layers juxtaposed under bold colours and manifold textures. My paintings express spontaneous movement of forms with a natural balance of imagination. 

My practice is constantly experiencing ‘yearning’ in association with the exploration of freedom. I allow myself to embrace during this process and look into the ‘ideal’. The ‘ideal’ forms I desire, often contradict myself during the process of making, which is always accompanied by joy and frustration at the same time. This is where I start to rethink my beliefs, fears, and desires.

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Rosalyn Ng was born and raised in Hong Kong and graduated from Chelsea College of Art, London in Fine Art in 2015.




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