
Folhas-cidade - City of Leaves

Cidade de Paraiso - City of Paradise

A leveza e mecanicidade - The lightness and the mechanical city

This series explores the barriers between opposite forces, such as softness and hardness. While drawing, Crespo allows himself to think that a small and delicate leaf can hold an entire city inside it. Inverting the proportions is a way to call the attention to the idea that there is a big world in ordinary and little things. Bringing these imaginary places to life is an invitation to pursue balance, find wisdom in silence, and strength in smallness.

Matheus Crespo is a Brazilian artist from Campos dos Goytacazes (in the countryside of Rio de Janeiro). He draws as a way to walk on ancestral roots, step on the hardness of the mountains, and float on flower petals. By creating these imaginary places Crespo aims to understand the relationship between opposing forces such as delicacy and hardness, nature and concrete. His creative process is driven by experimentation, with mark-making tools such as ballpoint pen, ink, watercolor, and charcoal. Crespo also experiments with texture and surface with materials like paper, wood, and fabric. Find him on Instagram @ateliematheuscrespo




Two Auditions