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Treatment, 2019.

Treatment is a film about outdated scoliosis treatment.

It features Helen Rose Driscoll as “Patient”, Katie Lee Mansfield as “Nurse”, and Liz Maelane as “Nurse”. Music by Helen Rose Driscoll and Austin Covell. Edited by Helen Rose Driscoll. Directed by Helen Rose Driscoll. Director of photography, Keith Robitalle. Lighting design by Liz Maelane and Keith Robitalle.

Helen Rose Driscoll (b. Stoneham, MA 1997) currently lives and works in the Greater Boston area. Working primarily in drawing and the moving image, she explores her own medical history as well as how time wears on her. Her past work has explored themes of feminism, the suburban home, the decay of vessels, and self portraiture. Driscoll’s work has been shown at W.M. Morris Hunt Memorial Library (2016), Yve Yang Gallery (2017), “Running Late: Pop-up Performance Exhibition” (2019), and “Liminal Space” Tufts University Art Galleries (2019). Driscoll is self represented and takes clients on a limited basis. Follow her on Instagram: @hdrisc_art


Walking, Ruminating

