Press Record Now

Press Record Now_Allie Rigby.png

Sun going down, light
I want to sip, gulp  

it cold like good-for-me 

Remember at sunset 

how I used to soar? 
One day  

when my hands ache 
I will hold the pain 

the arthritic bones, 
sore joints in rain 

all the knotting 
and still, find ways  

oh, there are ways  
I will hold the pen  

steady, press record now 

until the sun  
is gone gone  

and even in the soil, 
I will be writing,  

we are always writing—

the burst of flowers 

popping through soil. 
Your great greats saying hello.

Allie Rigby is a poet based in Northern California. She is currently pursuing an MA in Creative Writing at San Francisco State University. Her poems explore notions of wildness, mental health, and place. When not writing or reading, Allie is teaching elementary students. You can follow her on Twitter @RigbyAllie or explore more of her work at Allie’s most recent project is The Herd, a monthly literary newsletter aimed at building community and highlighting artists.

Artwork by Noor Al Thehli


Alternate Endings


the applause of dead mothers