I was Eight When They Said Mama was Sick

Hospital visits
choices and changing feelings
vending machine drinks


Muffled coughs at night
sudden, baffling urge to cry
clarity in time


Lifetime maintenance
medicines Monday, Thursday
Mama, can we share?

Louise Gerodias is a nonfiction and haiku writer from Cebu, Philippines. She holds a BA in Literature and Creative Writing from NYU Abu Dhabi. She recently started volunteering as a translator at the Organization for Transformative Works. Her interests include graphic novels and manga, as well as literature, transformative fanworks, and migration narratives. She's fascinated by unsolved crime stories. Gerodias is Postscript Magazine’s haiku columnist. Follow her on Instagram: @evangelouise

Artwork by Simone Hadebe


Razor Blade Gummy Bears


In English Class, I Wrote This Poem