Gradually Getting Better

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Slowly Recovering
Pen on paper
86 x 61 cm

This piece started with Santos’s vision of his current environment. There have been many sculpture construction projects that aim to be the source of new entertainment for those residing nearby. This piece, therefore, is Santos’s take on the art world—although art cannot be the medicine for a disease, it can be a medical therapeutic tool that can heal all types of diseases, both mental and physical.

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Switching Function
Pen on paper
Size: 30 x 30 cm

Through this piece, Santo narrates how those in power misuse their privileges. They offer promises as sweet as honey to the public, only to fulfill their own personal interests. Sadly, society has not fully noticed this deceptive, lethal corruption. In this piece, the elderly figure represents the ruling powers, the children represent society, and the snake represents the honeyed corruption.

Behind the Rules
Pen on paper
Size: 86 x 61 cm

Santo created this piece to echo the feeling of those who feel their house to be like a prison. Behind the Rules transfers this isolation and entrapment visually as a form of artistic therapy.

Yohanes Santo is a young Indonesian artist for whom art is not merely a hobby but a gift and calling, which he attempts to use for both the environment and the people around him.




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