Golden Shovel for ‘I’m a Little Teapot’ by George Sanders and Clarence Kelley

yes I’m 
going away away a-
yes, away a little
Smash the China 50% Gold Trim Hand Painted Rare Macau Uniq teapot,
in short.
Muster tea leaves from the sacrificial mess and
Respawn them in a pint of stout
Watch them gasp in foamy breathlessne- Here!
I think your future is-
I mean not necessarily, just my-
I don’t know if you can handle-
I should just stay here.
The leaves are swirling and my mind is-
The leaves are fine, it’s just my-
I mustn’t spout.

Shalini Corea is from Sri Lanka, but currently based in the UAE. She performs in productions, devises/makes theater, writes plays, and writes poetry. She is also involved in policy-based research, with a specific interest in Sri Lanka. Corea’s key subject areas of interest are politics, conflict, gender, and intimacy.

Artwork by Noor Althehli


The Jig is Up

