Advent Vista

The Advent Vista series was generated from a trip taken across the Southwestern United States. The video was taken at various stops along the way. The route was used to “train” a Machine Learning neural network, recognizing visual patterns within the imagery. The network then recreated those images to the best of its ability. The images were then strung together to create a series of morphing landscapes, almost as surreal as the landmarks they were made to mimic. 

To compliment the visuals, audio for each piece was composed and recorded to reflect the feeling of being in these larger-than-life spaces. Ethereal synthesizers, recorded in Samson’s home studio, create a trance-like backdrop  to match the ebb and flow of each animation. Additionally, atmospheric and textural sounds recorded at each site were digitally processed and layered into each original composition, further transport the viewer.


Cody Samson - also known as Shmody Shmamson - is an audio-visual artist and designer with a focus in motion graphics and experiential design. His work deals primarily with the interplay between humans and the front lines of digital design. Samson is currently living in the San Francisco Bay Area where he works as a freelance art director and designer. Follow him on Instagram @shmodyshmamson



