notes on a work placement at an elderly care home 1979


careful, that one bites
and shits in the bath
once a princess, her unworn clothes
quality spoils for the staff

(although a prized pair
of leather shoes will need to be re-dyed: eradicate
that urine tang)

we’re out of Daz, use Flash instead
there’s always laundry
when everything leaks
and wandering Lucie

rescued from London streets
still looks for clues,
her handbag a voracious magpie

collecting half-masticated
toast, soiled napkins, plastic
baby cups with lips

from tables where
Leo spits and shouts in his bib
he was a man once

in the TV room
high-backed chairs and walking frames
side-by-side-by-side sleeping
giant teapots pre-milked

families no longer come to view

Artwork by Paula Rego


Red Dirt

