Paterson by Jim Jarmusch Is My Favorite Horror Movie.


Paterson by Jim Jarmusch
Turned words into a lot of pictures.
The kind that scare you
When shown at a certain speed.

It is as if Paterson [the character] is crumpled
Between the spaces of each
Letter in the word: BUS
Without the image of an actual bus.

Tim Burton appears
As a delicious cupcake in the film.
His color scheme is monochromatic
Unlike the cupcake maker: Laura.

Marvin is a dog but also
A poem. He tilts the mailbox
Much like Patterson does with words.
Marvin can also be a hero, he feels things.

There are two types of people:
Marvins and Patersons.
Poetry is in the drama of both
Because they have a similar muse.

The matchbox megaphone
Is what builds the horror
Within the film. It is magnified
By the Japanese-ex-machina man.

The dissolves make things worse
Because it is as if summer managed
To weigh in on daily life. This means
That daily work is dried, fatigued, and sweaty.

Patterson drives a bus and likes bars.
Marvin waits outside bars and sleeps.
There is a swing between both characters
That makes the quotidian scary.


Image from the film "Paterson", directed by Jim Jarmusch


new york


For Sabina