Fruit Bowls in Art are the [expectations] of a Strong CV.


Fruit bowls on a dry canvas,
Are the oils that make
A fruit bowl a fruit bowl.

Fruit bowls you won’t eat. Because it’s paint. They let the colors do the seduction.
They are like CVs; in which each bullet point is a fruit that can be green, red, or both.
Out of the canvas there are small colored lumps of paint. The fruit bowl is now 3D.
The future of the CV is here by turning fruit bowls into 3D objects.

The third dimension is inaccessible.
My hand is a fly and the guard is a racquet.
–“Be 2D Be 2D!”

All graduate painted subjects need a bowl with fruit.
Those two lovers made out of colored shades have a fruit bowl in the back,
So when they set my expectations on love, they do so with a CV.
Because when they look good portraying love
they look good professionally as well.

Those cubists make oranges the soil.
An old orange was once able to feed an animal.
So their CVs have the potential to be in different stories at once.
Like ethnic lemons which make CVs exotic,
As fruit bowls in a jungle do–where the jungle is the bowl.

A flower is a spice that adds scent to light.
The way it folds onto the CV
makes expectations dramatic
Like thin CVs on cold winter nights.
With snowflakes made out of thick paper,
Murderous like their cutters.
These were made from memories of the non CVed trees.

Fruit Bowls on CVs
Are CVs that make
A fruit bowl a CV.


Artwork by Pablo Picasso "Bowl of Fruit, Violin and Bottle" 


I am unfortunately sentimental


A KKK Kidnapping, The Love Laws, and The Shape of Water