

TW: rape, sexual assault

You are chomping
At the bit
For sex.
You are pushing pushing pushing
With all your might
Against her “no!”
You are throwing a tantrum
Less dignified than a toddler
And she
She… SHE
Is a slut?

I’d like to mow you down
with a truck.

Honey just       take a breath. A walk. He didn’t hurt you did he? Then you’ll be. You’ll be just fine.

Her glossy eyes watch as a firefly drops to the bottom of the mason jar. A hard   thunk. Her skeleton twitches. Of its own accord. It spurs her muscles           to motion. Foot           in front of        foot. Bare in dewy grass.

The moon sweeps a mothering hand under her chin. They’ll blame her for being on Tinder. For believing in love again. For letting him spend the night if she didn’t want… but she didn't! want.



Artwork by Sally Mann




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